he is on a ''rappange''
he is on a ''rappange''
he is adamkin, creatorball
he is jontikin, creator loopball
Edit Thursday 14 December 2023: Okay i was a silly little kid when i made this rewiew, also happy 13th annivesary of The Fifthteen episode of Cat Face when he got a holiday to relax on the beach
(I'm so late)
- Your Cat fan from the past - TheNonyXXD
he is willkin, voiceball
he is fredkin, screamball
He is Arinkin, Gamergrumpball
he is tomakin, voiceoverball
he is paulkin, drawingball
he is eddkin, worldball
i never saw the original one
02/12/2022 edit: but i saw the zack james version one which is the same
Im Simone Caim here on newgrounds for many mouths and im so glad this site was better than youtube
Age 19, Male
Voice actor
Polo bianciardi
Italy. tuscany, grosseto
Joined on 12/4/21